Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Wow... How did it get there?

I was soo bored waiting for people to sms me for their number and this is what I did.

1) Went to Wikipedia and browsed for the new Nintendo Game Console

Found out that this thing is actually very interesting. Might wanna get 1 of that for myself. Or should I just stick to the "wait-for-PS3-price-to-drop" plan?

2) Searched in google.com for some personal information. Once I'm done, I practically have nothing to do. So....

I played-fully serch for my blog's name "recordedmoments" and what I've found?

Google's search result

How the hell it went in there? I seriously have no idea on how we get things up the chart or something. Someone Please educate me...


baggie said...

LOL... if you were using the same browser you had checked ur blog earlier, then you will see your blog there on the google search.....

try opening a new browser and see....tarak one... LOL, i tried with mine dee...


Calv said...

still got la auntie...
i opened in office adak, now at home oso adak. how explain?

oh yea, u had urs oso. hahha

baggie said...

er......... then i dunno lor uncle.. (>_<)