Monday, February 12, 2007

Bad Wake ups in the morning?

It's been a while now but I've kinda gotten used to be alone.

Have any of you had this experience before where when you're about to wake up, you have a feeling someone whom you cherish a lot is there laying next to you? When you were opening your eyes, moving your body nearer to where the supposed person is and tried to hug to only find that you're all alone in your room?

I had that last sunday where I actually thought someone close to me was laying there next to me. I kinda reached out to hug her but when I fully open my eyes, I realized that I'm all alone. Damn I must say that kind of feeling is very shitty. Basically made my day that day though. Didnt really have the mood for anything for that matter but I had to drag myself to KL to shop for CNY.

Damn it means that I've actually not gotten over the whole thing yet. But then again, I guess it's a matter of time where I'll get used to it. Valentine's coming and it was supposed to be something everyone looking forward to. Not me I think. Bad day, Bad memories. Plus the very next day is my birthday where I'm finally turning 26 yet I'm still alone. hmmm.....

What should I do? What should I do?? This?

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Anonymous said...

cute post. sentimental. sometimes i still do see things that way.

baggie said...

........don't be so sober bout it....*hugs* you still have ur friends around to chill with and care for you..... :)

Calv said...

yea i guess. i dunno. i'm just hoping things would take a turn somewhere. nothing beats loneliness. u'll feel straight down under and it takes out a lot of u.

baggie said...

LOL feel straight down under..... *ROFL* ... nice one, suits my vibration condom post... hehehe

Calv said...

haha. so did u try it last night?

baggie said...

kih kih kih... tried it long time ago dee looorrrrr....

Calv said...

oooo wow good for u...hahaha