1) Case Study A
You know, there are times where you would just wanna tell somebody off. Like, "Go fly kite, lah~" or "Blow Me~" or "Suck my Balls", Here's a fresh new prespective...

Cyanide & Happiness @ Explosm.net
2) Case Study B
When you wanna pick a fight, many a times we'll doubt whether we can beat this guy up or not. Often we're afraid that we'll get our ass smoked instead of kicking their asses. So this is a new way to solve such problems....

What you guys think? True or False?
wahahaha, bebuduhnyerr... so what shall a girl say huh? suck off my periods???? *eewww* Wahahaha... good one, its a nice post to brighten up one's Monday... :)
haih.. TUESDAY not Monday... I've been a katak dibawah tempurung lately... ZZzzZZZz
on msn oso u ady like dat....wahahaha
haih, tns lu.. weh i tagged you, so now u got things to write.. LOL
wa lao....again ah??? grrrr....
heh. i see you've gotten hooked on those silly stick figures as well eh? hey do check out www.leasticoulddo.com. pretty interesting too.
hey haha
thanks. yea i got stick to em real bad. now i need a remedy to remove the addiction..
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