Thanks to
Evie, again I'm struck with another tag.
Nite, Sorry your tag not I don't wanna do but I'm just too lazy as I have to type out the rules from your friend's blog. Release the copy and paste la then I do. :p
A is for age:
26 and getting older by the minute =.="
B is for beer of choice:Hoegaarden!!! But Dammit! I'm trying to quit beer. Stop tempting me!
C is for career:IT Specialist cum project coordinator cum patch management
D is for your dog’s name:Kinky (Mixed Breed), JD (Miniature Pincher) and Copper (Golden retriever)
E is for essential item you use everyday:
Nah I wont use these things. But I have a bubble bath foam from Body Shop though :p
F is for favorite song (one only) at the moment:Trilogy by ATB (Piano piece, very soothing)
G is for favorite games:World of Warcraft?
H is for hometown:Let's see, I'm born in KL, but grew up in a small ass town in Sitiawan, but now I'm back in KL. hehe
I is for instruments you play:
Piano, Organ, Trumpet, Saxophone, Horn, Trombone, Clarinet, Guitar, Bass Guitar, Drums and the list goes on and on and on....
J is for favorite juice:Carrot Milk
K is for kids:I never liked kids but I know since I'm the eldest child in the family, I have to have em =.=" 1 would be too lonely for him so I guess 2 would be ideal.
L is for last hug:Umm I hugged a friend just out the weekend.
M is for malls:I don't normally shop but I do go to Mid Valley for gym and movies.
N is for name of your love:Someone's daughter.
O is for overnight hospital stays:
When I was around 5 I think, I had my eye operation
P is for phobias:Roaches!
Q is for quote:
“I am who I am, Accept me for who I am or Don't bother"
R is for your race:
S is for status:Single! But don't hope, I'm not available. LOL
T is for things you like:
Music, Travel, umm.... there's bound to be more! I can't figure it!!
U is for underwear:Boxers
V is for vegetable you love:I'm not a veggie person but I love Choy Tham and Broccoli
W is for worst habit:Smoking? Well, that's my vice actually LOL
X is for x-rays you’ve had:
Quite a number of times actually, My legs, arms, Thank goodness never my brain.
Y is for yummy food you know how to make:
Instant Noodles!! well actually more but I'm just lazy to think right now of the recipe.
Z is for zodiac sign:Aquarius, Rebellious when Restricted!!
Now you've learnt my ABC, I want to learn yours too... ;P And so, I shall tag:-
Nite from DaynNite
Piggy from I Hate Life
Piggy Angel from Between Heaven and Earth