Monday, November 10, 2008

Mini Blogger's Gathering 2008

That's right. The 2nd Annual Mini blogger's gathering is back on track. We had one last year and it was a bash! This year we're hoping to get to know more of you bloggers out there.

Please do send me an email for a seating reservation. You might want to let me know if you're bringing anyone else apart from yourself if you're going. Bring your gf, bring your friends. It doesn't matter. Just as long as you let me know in advance so I can reserve tables and seats with the restaurant.




Cubie said...

why not McD?
McD not good ar?
go McD lar
McD! McD! McD! :P

3POINT8 said...

me wan go me wan go. But me can't.
Do snap some photos for me...thanks

Calv said...

McD out ady lar... hahaha

Kif: yea i'm sure there'll be some photographers to snap pics for u :p

pinksterz said...

i dowan pics! i want u to webcam to me hahahahaha! CAN? XD

Calv said...

how la to do that? i doubt marche got wifi somehow

lovegoddess said...

hey man, happy Sunday!

how are you doing? i just lurve Sunday mornings!.. waking up for aromatic coffee and d joys for sleeping in again ^_^

poor Evie is down with food-poisoning. hope she will be well soon ^_^

what do u usually do on weekends Calv ?

Calv said...

whoah... happy sunday to u too :p
sorry ya during the weekend my comp been conquered by my cousin whole day so i didnt mange to go on :(

usually weekends are like resting weekends like for me and my gf to go hanging around :p


yea poor evie...told her dun simply eat liao larrr