Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Auspisious Year for the Roosters

I got a series of forecast on today's mail. There's other zodiac signs as well, do let me know if you need any other zodiac signs, I'll mail them over to you. All you have to do is just drop me a mail at with your zodiac prediction and I'll mail them over. :p

I'll only post for the Rooster as I'm a rooster myself. In the way it's predicted, I'll have a very good year and 3 out of my 6 resolutions would be accomplished. hmmm....let's just see how it goes....

The Rooster in 2008

Overall Forecast For The Year

Roosters, this is your year to shine! A stellar line-up of auspicious stars in your Life Palace
this year are set to work their magic on your life, so sit back and enjoy the ride in 2008. Among these stars is the powerful Heavenly Virtue Star. With this star in your celestial path, situations that are stale or unhealthy somehow turn to good, and there is always a positive end to matters, no matter how dire the circumstance.

The second auspicious star for Roosters is the Sky Happiness Star. This star heralds happy events and celebrations. It will help foster good relationships at work, and this may lead to securing a new, better position or job. The Sky Happiness Star also presents Noble People who are ready to help and looking out for your interests. Relationships and marriages go smoothly, making this a generally happy year for you.

Yet another good star in your palace is the Prosperity Star, which brings more income, maybe even a promotion, and, overall, a year which will abound with sweet memories for you. The Prosperity Star brings in more than just money – you will also earn gratitude from others, and generate lots of goodwill this year.

The Eight Seats Star, representing justice and integrity, is your fourth auspicious star. This star implicates that if you stick to your principles, you will ultimately prevail. You will see things for what they really are, and learn the truth about some important matters. Besides this, the Eight Seats also denotes support from your family, leading to a smooth year on the whole.

There are only two negative stars in the Rooster Palace this year, and these are the Curled Tongue Star and the Salty Pool Star. The Curled Tongue Star may bring on more gossip and slander than usual, which may disturb you. Remember that these are only minor inconveniences for you because your many auspicious stars will trump this little problem.

The Salty Pool Star is a Peach Blossom Star that represents scandals and romance-related problems. As with the Curled Tongue Star, these will probably develop positively with the presence of the Sky Happiness Star in your aspect.

This is a year to be enjoyed and fully experienced. Take advantage of the good things that come your way! Even the Peach Blossom issues of this year will be a blessing. If you have been thinking of getting married, this is an excellent year to tie the knot. Those who are married may get involved with a third party through the influence of the Salty Pool Star. Though this affair may be enjoyable this year, it will affect your marriage in the following year, so think thoroughly before you decide to get involved.

Copyright © 2007 by Joey Yap. All right reserved worldwide.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Habit 4: Think Win Win

Win/Win is one of six total philosophies of human interaction.

1) Win/Win - People can seek mutual benefit in all human interactions. Principle-based behavior.

2) Win/Lose - The competitive paradigm: if I win, you lose. The leadership style is authoritarian. In relationships, if both people aren't winning, both are losing.

3) Lose/Win - The "Doormat" paradigm. The individual seeks strength from popularity based on acceptance. The leadership style is permissiveness. Living this paradigm can result in psychosomatic illness from repressed resentment.

4) Lose/Lose - When people become obsessed with making the other person lose, even at their own expense. This is the philosophy of adversarial conflict, war, or of highly dependent persons. (If nobody wins, being a loser isn't so bad.)

5) Win - Focusing solely on getting what one wants, regardless of the needs of others.

6) Win/Win or No Deal - If we can't find a mutually beneficial solution, we agree to disagree agreeably - no deal. This approach is most realistic at the beginning of a business relationship or enterprise. In a continuing relationship, it's no longer an option.

The most appropriate model depends on the situation. When relationships are paramount, Win/Win is the only viable alternative. In a competitive situation where building a relationship isn't important, Win/Lose may be appropriate. There are five dimensions of the Win/Win model: Character, Relationships, Agreements, Supportive Systems and Processes.

1) Character is the foundation of Win/Win. There must be integrity in order to establish trust in the relationship and to define a win in terms of personal values. A key trait is the abundance mentality that there is plenty for everybody (v. the Scarcity Mentality). The abundance mentality flows from a deep inner sense of personal worth and security.

2) Relationships are the focus on Win/Win. Whatever the orientation of the person you are dealing with (Win/Lose, etc.), the relationship is the key to turning the situation around. When there is a relationship of trust and emotional bank account balances are high, there is a much greater probability of a successful, productive interaction. Negative energy focused on differences in personality or position is eliminated; positive, cooperative energy focused on understanding and resolving issues is built.

3) Performance agreements or partnership agreements give definition and direction to Win/Win,. They shift the paradigm of production from vertical (Superior - Subordinate) to horizontal (Partnership/Team). The agreement should include elements to create a standard by which people can measure their own success.

a) Defined results (not methods) - what is to be done and when.

b) Guidelines - the parameters within which the results should be accomplished

c) Resources - human, financial, technical or organizational support available to accomplish the results.

d) Accountability - the standards of performance and time(s) of evaluation.

e) Consequences - what will happen as a result of the evaluation.

The agreement may be written by the employee to the manager to confirm the understanding.

Developing Win/Win performance agreements is the central activity of management, enabling employers to manage themselves within the framework of the agreement. Then the manager can initiate action and resolve obstacles so employees can do their jobs.

There are four kinds of consequences that management or parents can control - Financial, Psychic, Opportunity and Responsibility. In addition to personal consequences, the organizational consequences of behaviors should be identified.

4) The Reward System is a key element in the Win/Win model. Talking Win/Win but rewarding Win/Lose results in negating the Win/Win paradigm. If the outstanding performance of a few is rewarded, the other team members will be losers. Instead, develop individual achievable goals and team objectives to be rewarded.

Competition has its place against market competitors, last year's performance, or another location or individual where cooperation and interdependence aren't required, but cooperation in the workplace is as important to free enterprise as competition in the marketplace. The spirit of Win/Win cannot survive in an environment of competition or contests. All of the company's systems should be based on the principle of Win/Win. The Compensation system of the managers should be based on the productivity and development of their people. Reward both P (production) and PC (building production capacity).

5) The Win/Win process has four steps.

a) See the problem from the other point of view, in terms of the needs and concerns of the other party.

b) Identify the key issues and concerns (not positions) involved.

c) Determine what results would make a fully acceptable solution.

d) Identify new options to achieve those results.

You can only achieve Win/Win solutions with Win/Win procedures. Win/Win is not a personality technique. It's a total paradigm of human interaction.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Habit 3: Put First Things First

Before I start, Let me share with you what my friends did to me for christmas. Apparently I'm suppose to be their model. They used ANYTHING they cant find in the house to decorate me up. STOP LAUGHING!!!!

My facial expression was literally =.="

You think I'm funny?? Check HIM out!!

Got Banana at groin some more =.="

Habit 1 - I am the Programmer.
Habit 2 - Write the Program.
Habit 3 - Execute the Program.

Habit 3 is Personal Management, the exercise of independent will to create a life congruent with your values, goals and mission. The fourth human endowment, Independent Will, is the ability to make decisions and choices and act upon them. Integrity is our ability to make and keep commitments to ourselves. Management involves developing the specific application of the ideas. We should lead from the right brain (creatively) and manage from the left brain (analytically).

In order to subordinate your feelings, impulses and moods to your values, you must have a burning "YES!" inside, making it possible to say "No" to other things. The "Yes" is our purpose, passion, clear sense of direction and value.

Time management is an essential skill for personal management. The essence of time management is to organize and execute around priorities. Methods of time management have developed in these stages:

1) notes and checklists - recognizing multiple demands on our time
2) calendars and appointment books - scheduling events and activities
3) prioritizing, clarifying values - integrating our daily planning with goal setting (The downside of this approach is increasing efficiency can reduce the spontaneity and relationships of life.)
4) managing ourselves rather than managing time - focusing in preserving and enhancing relationships and accomplishing results, thus maintaining the P/PC balance (production versus building production capacity).

A matrix can be made of the characteristics of activities, classifying them as urgent or not urgent, important or not important. List the activities screaming for action as "Urgent." List the activities contributing to your mission, value or high-priority goals as "Important."


Quadrant I activities are urgent and important - called problems or crises. Focusing on Quadrant I results in it getting bigger and bigger until it dominates you.

Quadrant III activities are urgent and not important, and often misclassified as Quadrant I.

Quadrant IV is the escape Quadrant - activities that are not urgent and not important.

Effective people stay out of Quadrants III and IV because they aren't important. They shrink Quadrant I down to size by spending more time in Quadrant II.

Quadrant II activities are important, but not urgent. Working on this Quadrant is the heart of personal time management. These are PC activities.

Quadrant II activities are high impact - activities that when done regularly would make a tremendous difference in your life. (Including implementing the Seven Habits.)

Initially, the time for Quadrant II activities must come from Quadrants III and IV. Quadrant I can't be ignored, but should eventually shrink with attention to Quadrant II.

1) Prioritize
2) Organize Around Priorities
3) Discipline yourself

Self discipline isn't enough. Without a principle center and a personal mission statement we don't have the necessary foundation to sustain our efforts.

Covey has developed a Quadrant II organizer meeting six criteria:

Coherence - integrates roles, goals, and priorities.

Balance - keeps various roles before you so they're not neglected.

Quadrant II Focus - Weekly - the key is not to prioritize what's in your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.

A People Dimension - think of efficiency when dealing with things, but effectiveness when dealing with people. The first person to consider in terms of effectiveness is yourself. Schedules are subordinated to people.

Flexibility - the organizer is your servant, not your master


There are four key activities in Quadrant II organizing, focusing on what you want to accomplish for the next 7 days:

1) Identify Roles
2) Select Goals - two or three items to accomplish for each role for the next week, including some of your longer term goals and personal mission statement
3) Scheduling/Delegating - including the freedom and flexibility to handle unanticipated events and the ability to be spontaneous
4) Daily Adapting - each day respond to unanticipated events, relationships and experiences in a meaningful way.

Here are five advantages of this organizer:

1) It's principle-centered - it enables you to see your time in the context of what's important and what's effective.
2) It's conscience directed - it enables you to organize your life around your deepest values.
3) It defines your unique mission, including values and long-term goals.
4) It helps you balance your life by identifying roles.
5) It gives greater perspective through weekly organizing.

The practical thread is a primary focus on relationships and a secondary focus on time, because people are more important than things.

The second critical skill for personal management is delegation. Effectively delegating to others is perhaps the single most powerful high-leverage activity there is. Delegation enables you to devote your energies to high level activities in addition to enabling personal growth for individuals and organizations. Using delegation enables the manager to leverage the results of their efforts as compared to functioning as a "producer."

There are two types of delegation: Gofer Delegation and Supervision of Efforts (Stewardship).

Using Gofer Delegation requires dictating not only what to do, but how to do it. The supervisor then must function as a "boss," micromanaging the progress of the "subordinate." The supervisor thus loses a lot of the leveraging benefits of delegation because of the demands on his time for follow up. An adversarial relationship may also develop between the supervisor and subordinate.

More effective managers use Stewardship Delegation, which focuses on results instead of methods. People are able to choose the method to achieve the results. It takes more time up front, but has greater benefits.

Stewardship Delegation depends on trust, but it takes time and patience. The people may need training and development to acquire the competence to rise to the level of that trust.

Stewardship Delegation requires a clear, up-front mutual understanding of and commitment to expectations in five areas:

Desired Results - Have the person see it, describe it, make a quality statement of what the results will look like and by when they will be accomplished.

Guidelines - Identify the parameters within which the individual should operate, and what potential "failure paths" might be. Keep the responsibility for results with the person delegated to.

Resources - Identify the resources available to accomplish the required results.

Accountability - Set standards of performance to be used in evaluating the results and specific times when reporting and evaluation will take place.

Consequences - Specify what will happen as a result of the evaluation, including psychic or financial rewards and penalties.

Using Stewardship Delegation, we are developing a goose (to produce golden eggs) based on internal commitment. We must avoid Gofer Delegation to get the golden egg or we kill the goose - the worker reverts to the gofer's credo: "Just tell me what to do and I'll do it."

This approach is a new paradigm of delegation. The steward becomes his own boss governed by his own conscience, including the commitment to agreed-upon desired results. It also releases his creative energies toward doing whatever is necessary in harmony with correct principles to achieve those desired results.

Immature people can handle fewer results and need more guidelines and more accountability interviews. Mature people can handle more challenging desired results with fewer guidelines and accountability interviews.

So once you have mastered the first 3 habits, you have conquered the personal victory. You have come to a certain alignment in your ownself and hence the next would be going out to the world to gain a public victory.

Side note: I bet a lot of people will think this post is too long to read. Well it's either you get it all or don't get it at all right? :p

Monday, January 21, 2008

Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind

Principles of Personal Leadership

What it Means

  • To begin with the end in mind is to begin with the image of the end of your life as the frame of reference by which everything else is measured.
  • We may be busy, we may be efficient, but we will only be effective if we begin with the end in mind.

All Things are Created Twice

  • Habit 2 is based on the principle that all things are created twice:
    a) a mental or first creation
    b) a physical or second creation
  • Most endeavors that fail, fail with the first creation.

By Design or Default

There is a first creation to every part of our lives. We are either the second creation of our own proactive creation, or we are the second creation of other people's agendas, of circumstances, or of past habits.

Leadership and Management

  • Habit 2 is based on principles of personal leadership, which means that leadership is the first creation. Management is the second creation.
  • Management is doing things right, leadership is doing the right things.
  • Often people get into managing with efficiency, setting and achieving goals before they have even clarified values.

Rescripting: Becoming Your Own First Creator

Proactivity is based on the endowment of self-awareness. Two additional endowments enable us to expand our proactivity and to exercise personal leadership in our lives:

  • imagination allows to visualize our potential
  • conscience allows us to develop our talents within the context of principles and personal guidelines.

A Personal Mission Statement

  • The most effective way to begin with the end in mind is to develop a personal mission statement.
  • The key to the ability to change is a changeless sense of who you are, what you are about, and what you value.
  • Once you have a sense of mission, you have the essence of your own proactivity; the vision and values which direct your life, the basic direction from which you set your goals.

At the Center

  • Whatever is at the center of our life will be the source of our security, guidance, wisdom, and power.
  • What is at the center of your life?

Alternative Centers

  • Spouse centeredness
  • Family centeredness
  • Money centeredness
  • Work centeredness
  • Possession centeredness
  • Pleasure centeredness
  • Friend/enemy centeredness
  • Church centeredness
  • Self centeredness

A Principle Center

  • Our lives need to be centered on correct principles -- deep, fundamental truths, classic truths, generic common denominators.
  • As a principle centered person, you try stand apart from the emotions of situations and from other factors to evaluate options.

I always keep a saying in me to keep reminding me on being a better planner...


This helped me through a lot of planning. Be it to become a better person or to be a good leader, I often turn to these statement and keep reminding myself, I need to finish what I have started else I'm actually planning to fail myself.

Hope these statement helps you guys too. Cheers

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Bali Photo Log...

I would hereby interrupt my 7 Habits for a while to post up The pictures I have taken at Bali. Some of you know that I was at Bali last weekend enjoying the well holiday I deserved after a long hard year of unfortunate events. First of all, Let me post up some pictures of the villa I stayed at. It's called Villa Seminyak. It's a well hidden, secluded 5 star Villa inside a village somewhere in Seminyak....


These are the day time pictures of the Villa itself....



I know what you guys are seeing... =.=" I too have to admit when i first say this statue, I was like " hmmm... Good breasts" :p




Our villas are all connected via this pool here and it's quite deep though, about 155cm deep. When I first went in to the villa and opened all the doors, I was like WAAAA!!! I'm soo gonna jump into the pool from the villa...but of course, I was too civilized to pull off such a stunt wahahaha

Next up is the view inside the hotel itself...

The entrance of pure relaxation

The Living room of the villa

Stairs to the bedroom.

The bathroom. Was kinda small though but It's all good, I'm not staying in the bathroom so I don't really care how big it is..

2 Separate beds. These beds are really soft and comfy! but you know what? When we told the front desk that we want 2 separate beds, they were like O.O "I thought you are on your honeymoon" Do we look like that? =.=" And no it was not my honeymoon. just 2 friends going on a holiday =.="

One thing I didn't really like about the room though, 2 air-conds and it's not cold enough! the rest it's all good...

OK Let's have a look at the premise during the night time shall we?

The pool looks really beautiful at night. Lights are lighted though not really bright but it makes the whole place looks really beautiful.



The walk way to our villa is also well lighted. Looks cool huh?



So that's it for the hotel, Wanna check out the Scenary of Bali??

Hard Rock Bali:





I'm amazed that the people working there didn't really mind us bringing in our cameras to shoot pictures. In KL? You basically get kicked out of the club. The whole place was beautifully lighted up with Good music and Good band too :p

Spring Water Temple:







Overhead View of the Temple....

Rice Terrace:


Used my Zoom lense to zoom at this man working the field. What a nice sight eh?

Painters at work in an Art Gallery:



I bought myself a piece as well. Really nicely suited for my room I reckon. I'll blog about that piece soon once I got the frame up the wall :p

Kintamani Volcano:



Most of the time the volcano looks foggy so it's quite difficult to get a clear shot of it, hence that explains the reason I have so few shots of this thing though...

The Infamous Tanah Lot:









There was so many people there waiting to take pictures or to see the sunset at that time. I myself took heaps of pictures of the sunset and to tell you the truth, the place was REALLY beautiful! Check it out...









Tell me you feel the same as I do as well. Dammit I'm missing that place right now. =.="

Jimbaran Seafood Center:

This place was next to the seaside and we were running late to see the sunset of that place. The food was good but expensive. Experience was really out of the ordinary...






Uluwatu Temple at Mid day:







Kuta Beach and Bali Bombing Memorial:





Lastly My attempts on Camwhoring....Still I FAIL terribly :p

Me in the Van while touring around the island

Me looking really blur in Hard Rock Cafe

This is taken at Jimbaran Seafood

I'm a Monkey's Uncle!!!